Vallejo Smog is based in Vallejo, California, and offers convenient and affordable emissions testing services to customers throughout Vallejo, Benicia, and American Canyon. Here at Vallejo Smog, we believe in providing top-notch smog testing services.

Opened in May 2003
To coincide with the most recent state smog program, our facility has established itself as Solano County's premier smog testing center. Here at Vallejo Smog, we believe in providing top-notch smog testing services. To achieve that goal, we have hand-picked a team of knowledgeable employees that have been drug tested and specifically trained to provide the best service available in this field. Contact us today to receive more information about our emissions testing services.
Smog Test Only Station
New, Faster Testing Available!
Introducing the new smog standard OBD2! (On-Board Diagnostic Testing)
No Tailpipe Testing
Quicker In & Out
Greater Passing Percentage
We Now Smog Hybrids
(2000 and newer & all Diesels eligible for testing)

Voted the BEST Smog Center in Solano County by Times-Herald
$20.00 OFF!Posted price of any smog services. Not valid with any other offer. Coupon must be present prior to write-up, Not valid on re-test. |
WE TEST EVERYTHING!Most cars are smogged in 30 minutes of less. Walk-ins welcomed. |